A new video has gone viral, which shows Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Priyanka Singh questioning a member of his staff about a money related issue. The video which was accessed and televised by India Today shows Priyanka and her husband asking a staff member about a suspicious money transfer.

The two angrily question a man, Rajat, if money was transferred to a person named Pankaj.

 According to the report, Rajat used to handle Sushant’s finances before he was let go in 2019. In the video, Priyanka’s husband can be heard demanding a name from Rajat, while Priyanka threatens to call the police. “You are in a Bollywood star’s house,” Priyanka can be heard telling Rajat, in Hindi which was recorded in April 2019.

It was during this time that Rajat was reportedly sacked by Priyanka and her husband, Siddharth, over some alleged transfer that happened to be an ex-employee. The report goes on to say that Samuel Miranda was hired as Rajat’s replacement on the same day.

In the background of this video Sushant Singh Rajput also said how anyone could withdraw the amount from his account.

Sushant was found hanging at his Bandra home on 14 June. His father, K.K. Singh, has filed an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty, who was his girlfriend at the time of his death, under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including abetment to suicide.