Actor Vicky Kaushal is set to star in the new film ‘Sam Bahadur,’ where he will portray the role of India’s war hero and first Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw. Vicky shared a sneak peek of his character on Instagram with the caption “To a well-lived life!” #SamBahadur.”
In the picture, Vicky is seen standing on a lawn in a uniform, with his back to the camera. Fans eagerly expressed their anticipation in the comments section.
“Sir, we are eagerly awaiting this movie, please release it faster,” one fan wrote, while another commented, “Very impressive… looking forward to the film.”
The film is directed by Meghna Gulzar and is scheduled to release on December 1. It also stars Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh in lead roles.
Speaking about the film, Vicky said, “I am fortunate to portray the role of a real-life hero and patriot who is still remembered and loved for his contributions to our country. There is a lot to learn and take back as an actor.
With the amount of preparation and hard work the whole team has put in, I am sure the audiences will be thrilled to watch Sam’s mesmerizing journey to making India what it is today.”