Makers of Sam Bahadur are gearing up to unveil the movie’s trailer soon on November 7. “Vicky, Sanya, Fatima, Meghna, Ronnie and everyone from their team are super excited to present the trailer of Sam Bahadur to the audience. The launch event is happening at the Manekshaw Centre on November 7 in Delhi, and the trailer will be unveiled by a very special guest,” adds the source.
The anticipation for Vicky Kaushal’s next role as Sam Manekshaw in the film “Sam Bahadur” is palpable among moviegoers. Vicky Kaushal, director Meghna Gulzar, and producer Ronnie Screwvala teased the audience earlier this month, and the response was very enthusiastic. The group is currently getting ready to release the official trailer for the movie.
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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