Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal took to his official Instagram handle and shared a picture from the first day of the Zara Hatke Zara Bachke set. Both are dressed in their character. The actor is seen wearing a blue colour tee with a jacket, and the gorgeous Sara is wearing a blue printed saree. The actress has also applied sindoor and worn a mangal sutra. In the caption of his post, Vicky wrote, “Shoot ka pehla din aur aaj release ka pehla din…same to same gudgudi ho rahi hai! Kappu aur Somya aaj se hue aapke. Pyaar dijiyega..sahparivaar! #ZaraHatkeZaraBachke IN CINEMAS NOW!!!.”
Reacting to his post, one of the fans wrote, “Shine On.” Another wrote, “Best Jodi.” A third fan wrote, “Happiness and success to u guys.” A fourth fan wrote, “All the very best Vicky.”
Take a look at Vicky Kaushal’s Instagram post
The actor will be seen in Sam Bahadur and is rumoured to be seen in Shah Rukh Khan-led Dunki. Vicky also has Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. On the other hand, Sara will be seen in Metro In Dino with actor Aditya Roy Kapur. It will be directed by Anurag Basu and will mark their first collaboration.
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