Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal got candid for the first time about his relationship with wife Katrina Kaif. During his appearance on We Are Yuvaa’s Be A Man Yaar Episode, the actor revealed that he initially couldn’t believe that a superstar like Katrina was giving attention to him. He told Nikhil Taneja, “I had trouble coming to terms with that reality that I can. Those factors were never the reason why I fell in love with Katrina. When I got to know the human side of her, I fell in love with her. When I got to know her, I was fully in love with her, and I knew that I would want to have her as my life companion. Nothing else matters. First, I used to feel odd getting attention from her. I used to be like ‘Heh? Are you okay? Not that I wasn’t giving a lot of attention, it was mutual. For me also, being from the outside and not knowing her as a human being, she was a phenomenon. She still is. It’s just that the human side also added.”

The actor continued, “Shuru shuru me obviously lagta tha ‘Why me?  but she is a lovely human being.” Further, he revealed that their relationship began after he asked her out for dinner over text and  they were quite serious about each other since the beginning of their relationship. “The thing is in our courtship it didn’t reach a stage when it was suspense, if I ask her for marriage, it might be a yes or a no. We just knew from the beginning that this is extremely serious. We are in this to look for something permanent and we had that understanding.”



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