MUMBAI: Indulging in archery training for his role in the upcoming film ‘The Immortal Ashwatthama’, Vicky Kaushal on Wednesday shared a sneak peek from his preparations for the movie. The ‘Raazi’ actor hopped on to Instagram to share a picture that sees him practising the skill of archery with a bow and arrow. In the picture, Vicky is dressed in a blue T-shirt and a pair of shorts along with knee guards. The actor is also holding a bow and arrow while looking at his target. He is also seen wearing a cap in the photo and his back is towards the lens.
The ‘Masaan’ actor quoted American choir director-musician Kirk franklin and wrote in the caption, “Hard-work is something you marinate over time… it’s not microwaveable. #kirkfranklin.” Vicky has several projects in his kitty: ‘Sardar Udham Singh’, ‘Takht’, and the biopic on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.