Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal recently revealed that his darling wife Katrina Kaif is the first person he calls when he has news to share. The actor also called their wedding his most treasured memory. While speaking with Grazia India, the actor was asked about his most treasured memory. He replied, “When I cracked my first audition and I told my mom about it and she started dancing. My wedding, the happiest three days of my life, and many such moments, like even on film sets there have been moments when you feel like something special just happened. You felt it. Those moments are very special.”
The actor was also asked who is the first person he calls when he has any news to share. He instantly replied, “Katrina.”
Further, Vicky opened up about his love language and said, “I am a typical Punjabi. Jhappi, a hug is always our love language.” Vicky was also asked about the wildest rumor he has heard about himself, and he replied that he has been very lucky on that front. “I have heard rumors but not like so wild that it’s really stuck in my memory lane that ‘oh wow, this was the wildest’, but that way I’ve really been sort of lucky.”
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