Bollywood power couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif were recently spotted at the airport holding hands, and this made their fans go gaga, yet again. They were seen arriving at the airport hand in hand. This comes just ahead of the actress’s birthday, leading fans to wonder if they were off on a birthday getaway. For the airport look, Vicky chose a white tee shirt that he paired with blue trousers and a black jacket. On the other hand, Katrina wore a fitted floral printed top with ripped boyfriend jeans.
The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Reacting to the viral video, many curious fans asked if they are flying for a birthday getaway.
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For the unversed, the actress will turn 40 on July 16. Last year, she jetted off to the Maldives with Vicky Kaushal and spent the birthday with friends and family. Vicky Kaushal also shared a picture from the beach and wished his lovely wife with the caption, ‘Baar baar din yeh aaye… baar baar dil yeh gaaye. Happy Birthday my love!!!’
Stay tuned to The Daily Guardian for more such news.
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