In the Bhatinda district of Punjab, strict action has been taken against a veterinary doctor. Animal Husbandry Minister Gurmeet Singh Khudian issued orders to suspend Veterinary Doctor Munish Kumar, stationed in the village of Rai Kalan. The doctor is accused of submitting incorrect reports regarding the health of animals and the outbreak of diseases in front of senior officials. Upon investigation, the Animal Husbandry Minister took stringent action.Minister Khudian stated that any form of negligence or misconduct will not be tolerated.

Along with this, the minister has ordered officials to investigate other such reports. It is noteworthy that some time ago, more than 100 animals died, while some were reported to be sick. Meanwhile, villagers have claimed that the cause of the deaths of the animals has not been revealed yet. They also expressed anger that vaccination of the animals, which was supposed to be done about 2 to 3 months ago, has not taken place. Following public outrage and the death of animals, a team of doctors is actively visiting the village, providing injections and medicines to the animals door-to-door.