Owners of stalls and amusement rides at Mahim Fair in Reti Bunder have claimed huge losses after the Mumbai police shut down the activities in the area a day early despite giving them permission to operate till Sunday. As per the permission granted by the theatre branch of the Mumbai police, the annual fair could be held in the Reti Bunder area from 10 am to 10 pm from December 27, 2023 till January 7. The fair draws lakhs of people during the Makhdoom Shah Baba Urs, and owners of stalls and amusement rides claim that they have incurred losses of up to Rs 15 lakh due to the police action on Saturday.
“While the permission on paper is till January 7, it was granted by mistake. The activities at the fair had to be stopped on Saturday, as the Mahim Urs culminated on Friday. We can’t permit the stalls and amusement rides to operate at Reti Bunder,” a senior police official said. Owners of stalls and rides have however expressed their displeasure, as they have incurred major losses. “Despite permission, we were not allowed to operate rides. The police action is biased. We have a right to earn. Why did the department give us permission and is harassing us now?” said Fazil Zubair Khamesha, who operates rides.
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