The sudden demise of 21-year-old actress Tunisha Sharma has shocked an entire nation. The actress attempted suicide on a TV show set. During a tea break, the actress locked herself in the bathroom and attempted suicide. Tunisha Sharma used to work with her co-actor Sheezan Khan on the set of ‘Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul’.
According to the reports. A court in Vasai, Maharashtra sent actor Sheezan Khan to police custody for four days in connection with TV star Tunisha Sharma’s alleged suicide case.
Sheezan Khan’s advocate said, “Sheezan Khan has been sent to custody for 4 days. Police don’t have any evidence as yet. Allegations are put against him. Further probe is yet to be conducted.”
Earlier police presented the accused Sheezan Khan, before the Vasai Court. Sheezan was arrested after a case of abetment to suicide was registered against him under Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code.
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