The Vande Bharat Mission (VBM) has managed to bring back over 2,70,000 people in India from 53 countries till Sunday. The colossal mission has seen the participation of Air India and other Indian private airlines. The Indian government has announced that the fifth phase of VBM will commence from 1 to 31 August.

 “Stakeholders of our civil aviation sector stand committed to reach out and help stranded Indians. Over 2,70,000 have returned on VBM flights by Air India, Air India Express and private Indian carriers since 6 May,” tweeted Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri.

As the 4th phase of VBM is still underway, the government data shows that 1197 flights have been scheduled so far including 945 international flights and 252 feeder flights in VBM 4.0. These flights are operated by Air India group, IndiGo, SpiceJet and GoAir.

 As of now, VBM has covered 53 countries including Canada, US, UK, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Thailand, South Africa, Russia, Australia, Myanmar, Japan, Ukraine, Vietnam, Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Nigeria and Belarus.

The scheduled international passenger flights continue to remain suspended in India. But special international charter flights have been operating under VBM since 6 May to help stranded people reach their destinations.

 The fifth phase of VBM will also include many international airlines, from the US, UK, France, Germany and UAE, with which India has entered into Air Bubble agreements.