On the occasion of her 35th birthday, the extremely talented actress Vaani Kapoor has jetted off to Dubai to celebrate her special day with BFFs Akansha Ranjan, Anushka Ranjan and Raashii Khanna. Raashii Khanna and Anushka Ranjan have shared new pictures from her birthday bash. The birthday girl can be seen dressed in a glamorous silver gown with minimal makeup and a top bun.

In the caption of her Instagram post, Raashii wrote, “Normal from far, far from normal!! Happy birthday my darling sister.. @_vaanikapoor_ Wish you all the happiness in the world, now and forever.”

Anushka Ranjan shared more pictures from the birthday bash and wrote, “Happy Birthday Vaanssss!! You’re normal from far and far from normal but you’re my ray of sunshine always Wish you only the best always!.”

Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is gearing up for her OTT project Mandala Murders with YRF and is collaborating with Maddock Films for a film Sarvagunn Sampanna.




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