According to a statement released by the Chief Minister’s Office on Thursday, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami visited the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi and prayed to the Baukh Nag Devta for the safety of all the trapped workers. Inquiring about their well-being and informing them of the swift rescue effort underway to safely extract them, CM Dhami reportedly spoke with two of the workers stranded in the tunnel under construction in Silkyara, Uttarkashi: Gabbar Singh Negi and Saba Ahmed.
The statement mentioned that both the workers while speaking to CM Dhami, informed that all the other workers were healthy and safe.
CM Dhami said that he also informed the workers about Prime Minister Narendra Modi continuously taking information about the situation and monitoring the rescue operations.
The chief minister of Uttarakhand also assured the stranded laborers that rescue efforts were proceeding appropriately and that they would all soon be reunited with their families. Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Chief Minister Dhami earlier in the day to inquire about the status of the ongoing rescue effort for the 41 workers who have been stuck at the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi since November 12.
In a series of posts on X, CM Dhami said, “Respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi called today and took information about the ongoing rescue operation of the workers trapped at Silkyara tunnel, Uttarkashi.”
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