Uttarakhand Police announced a reward of Rs 25,000 on YouTuber Bobby Kataria, who is absconding in a case for allegedly consuming alcohol by putting a table on the road in Dehradun and stopping traffic.
The SSP Dehradun, Dilip Singh Kunwar, said that the Dehradun Police had obtained a non-bailable warrant against the accused from the court. Uttarakhand Police also raided Kataria’s house in Haryana’s Gurugram to arrest him, but he has been on the run continuously. Following that, a reward of Rs 25,000 has been declared for the accused Bobby Kataria, he added. It is worth noting that in a video circulated on social media, a person named Bobby Kataria, obstructed the traffic by putting a chair on the middle road on Mussoorie Kimadi Marg and consuming alcohol in a public place. He also rashly drove a motorcycle in an intoxicated condition.
A case under sections 342/336/290/510 IPC and 67 IT Act has been registered against Bobby Kataria at the police station in Cantt.
Earlier, a case was registered under sections 342, 336, 290, and 510 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and 67 IT Act, and a non-bailable warrant against Kataria from the District Court was also obtained.
The news of Kataria’s was in the news after he was allegedly found to be smoking inside a SpiceJet flight that surfaced on the internet. The airline later said that the action was taken as the passenger was put on a no-flying list by the airline for 15 days in February 2022.