Uttarakhand Health Minister Dr Dhan Singh Rawat said that the government has set a target of vaccinating one crore people at 1,000 vaccination centres across the state by 17 September. In a statement issued to the media, Dr Dhan Singh Rawat has directed the departmental officers to set up vaccination centres at 1,000 places in the state which will include both urban and rural areas. He said that a target has been set to vaccinate people at 1,000 centres so that the target of administering one crore doses of Covid-19 in the state by 17 September can be achieved.
“There is no shortage of vaccines in the state and it is his endeavour that in any case, 100% vaccination should be done by December 2021 in the state. The Health Minister said that to make this vaccination campaign a success, on 14 September, a virtual meeting will be held from the Secretariat with the District Magistrates and Chief Medical Officers of all the districts, in which the vaccination campaign will be reviewed,” Rawat said.
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