Uttarakhand’s Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami engaged in public interaction in the Garur village of the Bageshwar district. Official sources claim that CM Dhami patiently listened to the villagers as they discussed their problems.

He also informed the locals of what his government was doing for their betterment.
The bypoll in Bageshwar was necessitated after the Assembly segment fell vacant following the death of sitting MLA Chandan Ram Das, who was also the minister for Transport and Social Welfare in the Dhami government.
Das passed away on April 23 after a sudden cardiac arrest.
He represented the Bageshwar constituency for four consecutive terms since 2007. Upon his demise, the state government declared three days of official mourning.
The chief minister, according to sources, is also likely to expand his council of ministers after the bye-election.

In Bageshwar’s Garur earlier on Saturday, he hosted a roadshow for Parvati Das, the deceased MLA’s widow and the BJP’s candidate in the byelection. “I have no doubt that we will win with more votes than we did last time,” the CM told the roadshow. But because Chandan Ram Das is no longer with us, this election is taking place in challenging circumstances. We all come together, putting aside our differences, whenever someone leaves us. I would like to appeal to the residents of Bageshwar to not only express sympathy to his widow, but also to wish her well,” the CM said.