Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took the oath for his second consecutive term on March 25, 2022. Addressing a press conference, CM Yogi said, “UP is not known for crimes anymore; it is known for its festivals.” The state will touch new heights of development, and words like ‘Jungle Raj’, and ‘Gunda Raj’ will remain in the past”.

Emphasizing the government’s achievements in the past six years, CM Yogi said, “UP has the best infrastructure.” Purvanchal Expressway, Bundelkhand Motorway, and Ganga Expressway (work should be completed before 2025 Kumbh). “The highest number of metros in the country are in UP, running in five districts, and soon Agra will also have metro connectivity,” he added.

Focusing on the total number of airports in the state, Yogi Quoted, “When our government came in 2017, only two airports were functional, whereas the airports in Gorakhpur and Agra were partial. Today, a total of 9 airports are functional while nine are in process.” “Work is in progress at Ayodhya and Jewar International Airport and by the end of 2023 it will also become functional,” he said.

Chief Minister Yogi also underlined the world’s longest river cruise and said, “UP got the gift of the world’s longest river cruise. Eastern Uttar Pradesh always regrets that there was no medium to connect with water, but today we have connected the eastern port from Banaras to Haldia.”

Speaking about the Global Investors Summit (UPGIS 2023), Adityanath said, “We started the Investor Summit with Rs 80 thousand crore groundbreaking projects, and so far more than Rs 5 lakh crore private development projects have been inaugurated.”
“An investment of Rs 35 lakh crore was received in the Global Investor Summit,” he added.

Yogi also emphasized on the number of toilets made under the Swachh Bharat Mission and said, “Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, earlier only 2.5 lakh toilets were built in UP, but from 2017, 2 crore 61 lakh toilets were constructed.”

Further talking on pension and employment, CM quoted, “We have doubled the per capita income, and almost 31 lakh women are getting the benefit of pension.”

“The unemployment rate which was 18 per cent in 2016 has come down to 3 to 4 per cent today,” he added. “Today, Uttar Pradesh is the number one state in the country in ethanol production. Medical colleges have been built, and some are being built, in all the districts of the state. The dream of One District One Medical College is coming true today. We manufacture the largest number of smartphones in the country,” said Yogi Adityanath at the press conference.