Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath commenced the New Year by performing ‘havan’ and ‘Rudrabhishek’ at Gorakhnath temple in Gorakhpur. On the first day of 2024, CM Yogi participated in the consecration rituals of Devadhidev Mahadev, also revered by Lord Shri Ram. The ceremony included prayers to Lord Bholenath for the well-being, prosperity, and peace of the citizens.

Posting on social media, CM Yogi Adityanath extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the English New Year 2024.

During his visit to Gorakhnath temple, the Chief Minister conducted the Rudrabhishek and havan rituals in adherence to the established traditions. The ceremonies took place at the Shaktipeeth located on the first floor of his residence within the temple premises. Accompanied by learned teachers and priests, CM Yogi completed the Rudrabhishek ritual, followed by the havan and Aarti with Vedic mantras.

After the rituals, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath conveyed his wishes for a healthy, happy, prosperous, and peaceful life to the people of the state.

Additionally, CM Yogi held a Janata Darbar in the temple courtyard, where he listened to the concerns of the people and provided instructions to officials for addressing their issues.

Expressing deep sorrow over a road accident in Saharanpur district, where a bus carrying devotees collided with a truck, resulting in three fatalities, including a child, CM Yogi conveyed condolences to the bereaved family. He instructed district administration officials to promptly take the injured to the hospital for proper treatment, wishing for their speedy recovery.