Under the guidance of Chief Electoral Officer, UT Chandigarh, Dr. Vijay Namdeorao Zade, a one-day training program was conducted today in Chandigarh in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha-2024 polls. This program was specifically tailored for all members of the Media Certification & Monitoring Committee, adhering to the directives issued.
Led by National/State Level Master Trainers Dr. Suraj Thapa and Dr. Mohit Verma, the training aimed to equip attendees, including concerned officials from the Department of Public Relations delegated for media-related tasks, with essential skills and knowledge vital for their roles during the election period. The training session focused on enhancing participants’ understanding and proficiency in executing their responsibilities effectively, ensuring a smooth and fair electoral process.
This initiative underscores the commitment to upholding transparency and integrity in the democratic electoral framework.
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