Using the newly launched 5G technology, Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a test drive of a car in Europe from Delhi’s Pragati Maidan on Saturday. Union minister Piyush Goyal tweeted the photo and wrote, “India driving the world’.PM Modi inaugurated the India Mobile Congress 2022 exhibition before he launched the 5G mobile telephony services in India. At the exhibition, he visited the pavilions of the different telecom operators to experience the first-hand experience of the 5G technology.PM Modi was briefed about the technology by Mukesh Ambani and Akash Ambani at Reliance Jio stalls.Then PM Modi went to the stalls of Airtel, Vodafone Idea, C-DOT and others.Union telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said, “Telecom is the gateway, the foundation of Digital India. It is the mode to bring digital services to every person.”Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani promised to deliver 5G to every town, every taluka by December 2023. He said, “I can say we are ready to take leadership and Indian Mobile Congress should now become Asian Mobile Congress & Global Mobile Congress. India may have started a little late, but will finish first.”
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