The Bigg Boss OTT fame Urfi Javed took to her official Instagram story and penned down a note claiming some men made ‘nasty comments’ about her while she was travelling from Mumbai to Goa in economy class. She wrote, “While travelling from Mumbai to Goa on one of the flights yesterday I had to go through harassment, the men in this video were saying nasty things, eve teasing and calling names. When I confronted them, one of them said that their friends were drunk. Being drunk is no excuse to misbehave with women. Being drunk is no excuse to misbehave with women. Public figure YES, Public property NO.”
Take a look at Urfi Javed’s Instagram Story
For the unversed, this is not the first time the actress had to face people making nasty comments about her. Earlier this month, in an interview with BBC World, Urfi shared, “I have achieved popularity? Yes. Fame? Yes. Work? No. People don’t respect me. People don’t want to work with me.” Further, she added, “I scream attention. I want attention so I dress like that.” Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is likely to make her Bollywood debut with Ekta Kapoor’s Love, Sex, Aur Dhoka 2.
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