Haryana’s upcoming War Memorial in Ambala Cantt, being built under the guidance of Chief Minister, Manohar Lal will be of National Level. It will showcase the contribution of the people of Haryana and especially Ambala in the War of Independence of 1857.Haryana Chief Secretary, Vijai Vardhan, shared this during a meeting with historians in which he said that the War Memorial should be designed in such a way that the visitors are enlightened about the genesis of war of Independence of 1857 was from Ambala Cantt instead of Meerut. Besides this, the visitors would also be familiarized with the historical folklore and popular costumes and weapons of that era.

The Chief Secretary said that Chief Minister Manohar Lal wants the War Memorial to have such an outlook that the generations can understand the importance of War of Independence of 1857 and the priceless contributions of martyrs and the people of Haryana during that era for years to come. The Chief Secretary said that a lot of people believe that the War of 1857 has its roots in Meerut, however, on the contrary the war had started earlier in Ambala Cantt on 10 May 1857. This can be established by a telegram sent by the British Government on May 10, 1857, which will be displayed at the War Memorial to be built in Ambala Cantt. Several historians also expressed their views regarding the War Memorial on the occasion.

While the historians were sharing the views, the Chief Secretary said that it is relevant to find out as to which folk songs were popular in Haryana during that era and songs that were sung to ignite the feeling of freedom among common people of the state so as to relive that era. Besides this, the pattern of historic roads during that era should be re-created in such a way so that the visitors who would walk on those roads get a feel of that era.

Among other important documents of historic prominence dating back to 1857 are some letters written in Urdu language exchanged between the kings of India during that era. These were presented by the Director of the Haryana Archives Department. The Chief Secretary directed the officer concerned to translate them in both English and Hindi.

Sharing views the historians suggested that the layman will be able to connect with the War Memorial only if authentic information and pictures relating to that era are displayed. He further asked to constitute committees and sub-committees so as to comprehensively discuss the work to be done in different sections of the War Memorial and to further ensure completion of its work at the earliest.

On this occasion Director General of Information and Public Relations Department, Dr. Amit Agarwal, Director Archeology, Government of India, Dr. Sanjay Manjul (present through video conferencing), Head of Department, Kurukshetra University, K.C. Yadav, Chairperson Draupadi Dream Trust, Neera Mishra, Former Head of Department, Ancient History, Kurukshetra University, Arun Kesarwani, Head of Department of Maharishi Dayanand University, Jaiveer Dhankar, Former Head of Department of S.D. College, Ambala Cantt, Udai Veer Singh, In-charge of Museum of Kurukshetra University, Professor Maha Singh Poonia and In-charge of Virasat-e- Khalsa Anandpur Sahib Punjab, Sh. Pushpajit Singh were also present.