Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal said on Friday that the upcoming State Budget for the year 2021-2022 would focus on education, health, security, employment, and self-reliance in which all sections of the society will be taken care of. The Chief Minister said this while interacting with media after presiding over the monthly meeting of District Public Relations and Grievance Redressal Committee held at Gurugram on Friday. A total of 12 problems were placed in the meeting, of which 11 were settled on the spot.
The Chief Minister said that like last year, this time too, the State Budget would be prepared and presented after holding discussions and seeking suggestions from all stakeholders, MLAs, and MPs. “due to global pandemic Covid-19, this time no physical meeting has been held, therefore the stakeholders, MLAs, and MPs have been asked to send their suggestions in writing to the State Government by 20 February 2021. Their valuable suggestions will be incorporated in the budget,” said the Chief Minister.
The CM added that the budget will be of public interest in which special care will be given to ensure that the problems of every section of the society are resolved. He said that like last time, this time too, the Budget would focus on education.
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