CHENNAI: After the release of recent Tamil horror thriller film Yaaro where she played the role of a physic ghost, kollywood actress Upasana RC is gearing up for the release of her next film titled Shortcut which is directed by Mani Damodaran. The movie is in post production stage. Upasana RC is also working on the last schedule of Sura film director S.P. Rajkumar’s movie, who has worked with the likes of Tamil superstar Vijay and actor Prabhu Ganesan. The film also stars noted comedian Yogi Babu. In a candid conversation actress Upasana RC says, “The next for release is Shortcut in which I play the role of an IT professional and modern city girl. It is based on a political crime theme. The film has four male characters and I lead the story. I am also shooting in director S.P. Rajkumar film titled Local Saraku with Dinesh Master as the lead actor. It is based on Covid situation and I play a very strong character.”

Actress Upasana RC is now going to play the role of cop in renowned actor Prabhu Deva’s next Musasi which is being helmed by debutant director Sam Rodrigues. Upasana RC further added, “I am also doing Prabhu Deva starrer movie called Musasi where I play role of a cop and I am one of the parallel lead. The film is a crime thriller. I am trying to play variety of roles in different genres of movie.”