In a recent development, a movable property valued at around Rs 20 lakh, belonging to Anwar Hussain, an aide of Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan’s son Abdullah Azam, has been attached under the provisions of the Gangster Act, according to police sources on Sunday.

Rampur Assistant Superintendent of Police, Atul Kumar, provided details, stating, “Kotwali Rampur Police has taken action under 14(1) of the Gangsters Act against a person named Anwar Hussain. In this, his illegally acquired property, an SUV worth around Rs 20 lakh, has been attached.” The move comes as Hussain faces charges under various provisions of the Gambling Act and other offences.

Azam Khan, along with his wife Tanzeem Fatima and son Abdullah Azam, had previously faced legal consequences. In October, a court in Uttar Pradesh convicted them in a fake birth certificate case, sentencing them to seven years of imprisonment and imposing a fine of Rs 15,000. Additional details on the recent attachment of the property are awaited as the situation develops.