The Uttar Pradesh government will rehearse for the Kumbh Mela 2025 through the Magh Mela in 2024. Officials have been directed by the government to ensure that the Magh Mela is conducted successfully, safely, and cleanly, according to an official statement from the government of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday.
Additionally, instructions have been given for making specific arrangements for the convenience of devotees, bathers, Kalpavasis, sages and mahatmas coming for the Magh Mela. Furthermore, the government has directed officials to take special measures to ensure cleanliness and facilities at the ghats. Instructions have also been given to create awareness among the public to make the fair area a plastic-free zone and arrange for cloth bags. It is noteworthy that the Magh Mela starts every year on Makar Sankranti, which will be held on January 15 this year and will continue until Mahashivratri on March 8. Mela During a review of preparations for the Magh Mela and Mahakumbh-2025, State Urban Development and Energy Minister AK Sharma gave necessary direction to the officials. The Fair officer, Vijay Kiran Anand, provided detailed information about the main bathing dates during the fair, area size, sector numbers, ghat numbers and lengths, estimated number of Kalpvasis.
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