In a bid to save its image from being besmirched due to unwanted factors, the Uttar Pradesh government has ordered the district administration to verify news that defames state’s image. In such a scenario, the government officials may seek clarification from the newspaper outlets concerned in case the distortion of the news is found or noticed.
In a letter dated August 16, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s Principal Secretary Sanjay Prasad instructed all 18 Divisional Commissioners and 75 district magistrates and other department heads, “If it is found that any newspaper/media has tried to tarnish the image of the state government or the district administration by publishing negative news items based on distorted or inaccurate facts, the district magistrate concerned will seek clarification from the manager (prabandhak) of the media group/newspaper. Such a letter should be marked to the Department of Information.”
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.