Raju Bhati, a notorious gangster affiliated with the UP underworld, passed away at a hospital on Sunday morning while being incarcerated at Faridabad district jail. His health had started to deteriorate in the prison, leading to his admission to Badshah Khan hospital on February 2. Raju, 41, hailing from Mathura’s Hussaini Shergarh, had been serving a life sentence for a case involving charges such as kidnapping, wrongful confinement, extortion, voluntarily causing hurt, grievous hurt, criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code, and sections of the Arms Act. Notably, he faced a total of 34 cases, including murder, in his criminal record. He complained of chest pain on Friday, following which he was rushed to the Faridabad hospital.

Around 2am on Sunday, when his health started deteriorating, he was shifted to the emergency ward, police said. “He died at 4.20am and a postmortem is currently being conducted at the hospital under the supervision of a judge. His body will be handed over to his family soon,” Basant Chauhan, station house officer (SHO) of Ballabgarh Sadar police station .

As of now, the police have registered a case under section 174 (inquest in a death) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) against his death. They will investigate the cause of his death. “A total of 34 cases of robbery, dacoity, fight and quarrel are registered against prisoner Raju Bhati in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana’s Faridabad and Palwal,” police said.