Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday handed over the appointment letter to 1,354 staff nurses selected through the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The CM said that the nurses and paramedics make a significant contribution to operating the state’s healthcare system and expressed happiness over 90 per cent of the staff nurses being females. He urged the paramedics and physicians to foster a culture of positivity and cooperation in the hospitals.
“Even in the most trying circumstances, you people put in a lot of effort. The atmosphere in hospitals has greatly improved only because of you people. You make even a sick person feel better through your care,” said the CM.
No one recovers quickly from illness solely through medication, according to the chief minister, who added that a patient’s ability to recover quickly is greatly aided by the environment of the hospital or medical college.
He advised all staff nurses to bring to their place of employment everything they had learned during their training. “A significant obligation has been placed on you. To bring relief to the people, you must work closely with all the medical professionals.”
Highlighting the fact that the state government is committed to providing employment to every youth of the state with utmost transparency, the CM said, “Over the last five years, with the inspiration of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, more than five lakh youths were given appointment letters through a fair and transparent process, resulting in the state receiving the benefit of their talent.” The CM pointed out that earlier, Uttar Pradesh was considered a ‘BIMARU’ state. “Today, I am happy that the state is moving fast to establish itself as the second-largest economy in the country. This is the result of great teamwork. We can observe the outcomes when the 25 crore people of UP speak, move, and make decisions as a single entity.”
Criticising the previous governments for neglecting the development of the state, he further said, “There has never been a scarcity of jobs in the state because it is a state with endless possibilities, the best fertile land, water resources, and 90 lakh MSMEs. We always had potential, but UP was not given the attention it deserved.” Mentioning the hardships faced by the labourers of the state during the Covid-19 pandemic, the CM said, “When the workers of UP were discriminated against during the lockdown, they returned to the state. Their skill mapping was done. The double engine government’s efforts allowed Uttar Pradesh’s workers to find employment within their own state.”
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