Uttar Pradesh Police is using body cameras to further strengthen security and keep a vigil on suspicious objects and persons at Magh Mela underway in Prayagraj city. As per the police, the use of these cameras is currently experimental. They will be used at at least 80 spots.
A viral video claims Bill Gates attended the Mahakumbh Mela, but it is an old…
President Biden designates two new national monuments in California to protect landscapes and honor Native…
Indian chess star Arjun Erigaisi triumphed in the Titled Tuesday blitz, defeating Magnus Carlsen and…
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) faced backlash for a post on its official social media that…
A couple sought guidance from Premanand Maharaj about their love marriage. Maharaj emphasized the importance…
Physical activity is one of the most powerful tools in promoting overall health and longevity.…