Uttar Pradesh Additional Director General (Law and Order), Prashant Kumar on Wednesday informed that a total of six terror suspects linked with the busted Pakistan-organised terror module were detained and handed over to the Delhi Police yesterday.

“UP ATS detained six terror suspects in raids at four locations yesterday. The Delhi Police’s Special Cell was informed beforehand and all six suspects were handed over to them,” Kumar said. “Out of the six detained persons, three were arrested by Delhi Police. Special interrogation of the others is underway, and they will be arrested accordingly,” he added.

Further, commenting on the operation, Kumar said, “On the basis of information from those detained, large amounts of explosives were recovered from Prayagraj. Had the explosives been used anywhere, it would have caused immense loss of life.”

Delhi Police Special Cell sources informed that the module is believed to be in the first stage of its operation. The terror module being managed by underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s brother Anees Ibrahim was busted with the arrest of six persons, including two Pakistani-trained terrorists who were planning to set off bombs in various parts of the country during the upcoming festival season.