The oath-taking ceremony of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma saw a surge in enthusiasm for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While the oath was being administered to Bhajan Lal, the crowd chanted Modi—Modi loudly. Although the oath was for Bhajan Lal, people enthusiastically chanted slogans for Prime Minister Modi. The chairs set up in front of Albert Hall were already occupied before PM Modi arrived. Due to this, the police closed the gate of Ramniwas Bagh and tried to control the crowd. In response, people intensified their slogans, and the situation became uncontrollable. The police had to put in considerable effort.
Before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came on stage, a large number of people tried to enter the tent set up for VIP guests. This created a chaotic situation. People tried to jump over barricades to enter. In response, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Retired) Gyan Chand Yadav, Mansarovar ACP Abhishek Shivhare, and other officials, along with police personnel, rushed to the scene to try to control the crowd. They explained to the people, calmed them down, and brought the situation under control.
Along with the event venue, posters and banners of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the schemes of the central government were displayed in all areas of the city. These posters mentioned various government schemes. Congratulations were also extended for the formation of a double-engine government in Rajasthan. There was intense competition among leaders in all assembly constituencies in the city to put up posters of Bhajan Lal Sharma and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.