Celebrity couple Sidharth Malhotra And Kiara Advani were recently celebrating the latter’s 31st birthday at a foreign location. Now, an unseen picture from their holiday has gone viral on the internet. In the viral picture, the actor looks handsome wearing a printed a beach shirt and carrying dark sunglasses. On the other hand, the gorgeous Kiara wore a blue dress with a plunging neckline and paired it with golden earrings.
As soon as the viral picture surfaced online, fans rushed to the comments section and showered their love. Reacting to the viral picture, one of the fans wrote, “beautiful” and “cuties.” Another wrote, “They look so good.”
Check out the viral picture below
Earlier, a video of the gorgeous couple interacting with fans during their vacation had also gone viral on social media platforms. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is currently basking in the success of Satyaprem Ki Katha. The film also features Kartik Aaryan. Sidharth, on the other hand, will soon be debuting in a Rohit Shetty-directed web series titled Indian Police Force. The actor is also gearing up for the release of his action film Yodha which will release in December.
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