Post the announcement of the election results for West Bengal Assembly on Sunday, violence has been sweeping through the state, with the Bharatiya Janata Party alleging that their cadre are coming under attack from the Trinamool Congress workers. The BJP has alleged that several of its party members have been killed, while thousands of its workers and voters have been made to flee their homes. On Thursday, Union Minister of State for External Affairs, V. Muraleedharan’s convoy came under attack in Bengal’s Panchkhudi area. A video of the incident shows hooligans allegedly belonging to the TMC attacking a car, breaking the window. Muraleedharan took to Twitter to say, “TMC goons attacked my convoy in West Midnapore, broken windows, attacked personal staff. Cutting short my trip.”
A day after Mamata Banerjee took oath as Chief Minister of West Bengal, Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday said post-poll violence and vandalism continued unabated in the state and added that the Trinamool Congress supremo’s governance was away from constitutional prescriptions.
Dhankhar also condemned the attack on V. Muraleedharan’s car. “Another sleepless night with reports of rampant post-poll violence continually pouring. Ashamed of such anarchy and lawlessness @MamataOfficial. In the morning another shocker from print media! All is well? How can this be? And today Central Minister attacked,” Dhankhar tweeted.
Dhankhar also alleged that the state’s home department was not sending reports to him about the post-poll violence. “Governance @MamataOfficial away from constitutional prescriptions. Post-poll violence and vandalism continue unabated. ACS @HomeBengal has not even sent reports sought by me 2 days ago and sitting ones from @WBPolic @KolkataPolice. Silence of Fourth Pillar of Democracy baffling,” the Governor said in another tweet.
Meanwhile, taking a serious view of the violence, the Ministry for Home Affairs has deputed a four-member team, led by an Additional Secretary level official, to visit the state and assess the ground situation. On Wednesday, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla wrote to West Bengal Chief Secretary reminding him of the letter written on 3 May to check the post-poll violence in the state and to provide a report on the incidents.
According to MHA sources, the ministry has not received any report, and violence continues as the state government has not taken any steps. The MHA in its successive letters directed the West Bengal government to take all necessary measures and submit a detailed report immediately.
“All necessary measures should be taken and a detailed report to be submitted immediately. If not submitted, it will be viewed seriously,” the sources added.