Union Tourism Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat has accused the former Rajasthan government led by Ashok Gehlot of tapping its own ministers’ phones, alleging it was a desperate attempt to stabilize the government. Speaking at the Jodhpur Circuit House on Sunday, Shekhawat disclosed his intention to pursue legal action regarding this matter, which was corroborated by a former Officer on Special Duty (OSD).

According to Shekhawat, Gehlot, who also served as the Home Minister at the time, recorded these phone taps onto a pen drive, which subsequently became public.

Audio recordings purportedly featuring conversations between Gehlot and his OSD, Lokesh Sharma, discussing these tapped conversations have surfaced, adding fuel to the ongoing controversy surrounding the political events of that period.

Besides, tourism minister also inaugurated the country’s first skydiving adventure sports in Narnaul, Haryana. He said that it is important to start private skydiving facility in India for the first time. People from India go abroad to enjoy this thrilling sport, on which about Rs 200 crore is spent annually. In such a situation, its launch in the private sector in India is a very auspicious sign.

Union Tourism Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat celebrated World Skydiving Day by undertaking a skydive from a height of 13,000 feet. He spent approximately 8 minutes in the air under the supervision of a trainer.

Reflecting on the experience, Shekhawat expressed his exhilaration, calling it a momentous occasion. He remarked, “Today is a historic day as India enters the realm of air sports. I felt thrilled.”