Union Minister Ramdas Athawale said on Tuesday he had tested positive for the coronavirus, a day after meeting several party leaders for the induction of actor Payal Ghosh into the Republican Party of India (A).

Payal Ghosh, who has been named as vice president of the women’s wing of RPI, was not the only person to attend the meet. Several other people had also joined the meeting in Athawale’s presence on Monday.

Hours after the induction event, Athawale was suffering from a cough and body pain. Reportedly, he got himself tested and has been admitted to Bombay Hospital as a precautionary measure.

Meanwhile, NCP MP Sunil Tatkare has also been found Covid positive. While various photos from the event had shown most people wearing masks. At the same time, it must be mentioned that for many, including Athawale, the photos indicate that the mask had at times been perched below the nose on only across the chin.

The RPI (A) chief had earlier famously coined the phrase “go corona go”, urging the novel coronavirus to stop its virulent spread. While that does not seem to have worked out in his favour today, it had become a rallying cry of sorts as the country fought against the Covid-19 pandemic.