Piyush Goyal, the Union Minister of Textiles, launched the “One Bharat Sari Walkathon” in Mumbai on Sunday. Sonali Bendre, Rupali Ganguly, and other celebrities attended the function. By inviting women from all over the nation to participate and exhibit their unique sari-wearing styles, the Ministry of Textiles hoped to promote the handloom sari culture in India and portray it as a nation of “Unity in Diversity.” According to a press release from Textile Ministry, the initiative will also support the notion of “Vocal for Local” and foster the spirit of traditional textiles. It will also increase women’s awareness of fitness and motivate them to lead healthier lives.
In this celebration of cultural diversity & empowerment, the enthusiastic participation of more than 5000 women including leading professionals, Bollywood & television personalities, sports personalities, business women, designers, influencers, housewives, women from the music industry and many more joined the event adorned in their distinctive traditional attire.
Previously, Sari Walkathon was organized in Surat.
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