Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Friday alleged that a Union Minister is threatening Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar and questioned whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah support such threats. “Threats are being given to Sharad Pawar by a Central minister. Do such threats have the support of PM Modi and Amit Shah?” he said.Seeking the intervention of the two leaders in the threat case, Raut added, “Some people are threatening us. Some people are threatening Pawar Sahib not to go home. This is a matter of concern. Home Minister and PM Modi should pay attention to this,” he added.The Shiv Sena MP’s allegation came in the aftermath of BJP leader Narayan Rane’s tweets accusing Pawar of threatening rebel Sena MLAs. In a tweet put out in Marathi, Rane said, “Pawar is threatening the (rebel) MLAs that they should come to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. They will definitely come and vote as per their will. If any harm comes to them, it will be difficult to go home.”Reacting to the tweet, Raut had earlier said that the use of such language against the NCP chief is not acceptable. “A central minister of the BJP has said that if attempts are made to save MVA govt, then Pawar will not be allowed to go home. Whether or not the MVA government survives, use of such language for him is not acceptable.”Along the same lines, Raut issued a warning to Ekanth Shinde-led rebel MLAs and said Sena workers will come on the roads if challenged. “Shinde faction that is challenging us must realise that Sena workers are yet to come on the roads. Such battles are fought either through law or on the roads. If need be then our workers would come on the roads,” said the Sena leader, adding “Sena is a big ocean. Such waves come and go.”
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