Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav and Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami released a tigress brought from the forest area of Corbett Tiger Reserve in the Motichur forest area of Rajaji Tiger Reserve. Pushkar Singh Dhami said that efforts are being made to make this area of Rajaji National Park a tourism hub, and people should come to see the natural beauty here. Rajaji National Park is an Indian national park and tiger reserve spread over three districts of Uttarakhand: Haridwar, Dehradun and Pauri Garhwal.
Earlier on April 20, Union Minister Bhupender Yadav released two cubs in the arena of a white tiger enclosure at National Zoological Park in Delhi.
The two cubs, including a male and a female, are nearly eight months old, and the Union Minister has named the female cub Avani meaning earth and male cub Vyom which means universe.
India has a long history of wildlife conservation. One of the most successful wildlife conservation ventures ‘Project Tiger’, which was initiated way back in 1972, has not only contributed to the conservation of tigers but also to the entire ecosystem.
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