Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday said that the report of the committee formed to implement the Uniform Civil Code in the state would come in the next two months. Dhami said, “The government has given six months time for this. As soon as the six months are completed, the government will implement the Uniform Code of Conduct in Uttarakhand.” The Chief Minister said that the meetings of the committee are going on continuously to prepare the report and the process of preparing the draft is going on. He said that this was not just an election issue but a resolution in front of the godlike people of Uttarakhand.
The first meeting of the expert committee formed to implement the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand was held in July. The panel met at Uttarakhand Sadan in Delhi. The meeting was chaired by a former Supreme Court judge, Justice (retired) and the chairperson of the committee Ranjana Prakash Desai.
The Uttarakhand government constituted a five-member committee to be led by Desai, to prepare a draft proposal for the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the hill state.