Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda criticized the BJP-led government, claiming it offered Haryana nothing but “unemployment and misery” in over nine years. Addressing Congress workers in Nuh, Hooda asserted that the entire state, including Mewat, aimed to remove the BJP-JJP government from power.

Highlighting the erosion of longstanding harmony, particularly referencing the Nuh violence, Hooda accused the present government of instigating divisive politics. He emphasized the government’s failure, attributing rising unemployment and a decline in investments to its governance.

Underlining the deteriorating law and order situation, Hooda lamented the government’s neglect of critical institutions, citing the medical college in Mewat lacking adequate medical staff and supplies.

Firm in the Congress’ commitment to resurrecting Haryana’s development trajectory, Hooda expressed optimism fueled by the support and zeal of workers across the state, signaling an impending shift away from the current administration.

He anticipated a Congress government committed to progressive policies and public welfare to replace what he labeled a corrupt and failing regime.