In Haryana a total of 8315 Chief Minister’s announcements have been made between 2014-2021, out of which work on 5744 announcements have been completed which is around 73 per cent and 1527 are still in progress and 360 are not feasible and 687 are still pending. While presiding over a meeting, Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal directed the officers concerned to immediately conduct a study on the feasibility of every project announced under CM Announcements, along with expediting the work on the same. He said that after conducting the required study of the projects, a separate list of the projects which have now become infructuous should be prepared to have a clear idea about the exact number of the pending announcements,” directed Manohar Lal while reviewing various projects of five departments that are yet to complete the work of the projects announced under CM Announcements.

The list of the departments whose projects were reviewed by the Chief Minister includes, Public Works (Building and Roads), Development and Panchayats, Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Irrigation and Sports. It is pertinent to mention that out of the total of 1120 announcements, only 114 are pending, hence the completion percentage of the announcements is around 76.23 percent. 148 projects are in progress in PWD department.

In this continuation, out of the total 1623 announcements only 128 are pending and the work on these would be completed soon. The completion percentage of the projects is around 60 percent. 485 projects are in progress Development and Panchayat department. Similarly, in Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department, that around 86 percent of the work has been completed. Out of the total 1408 announcements, 1179 has been completed and work on the rest would be completed soon and 133 projects are in progress. While in irrigation department, out of the total 599 announcements, work of 390 is completed, which is around 68 percent. 128 projects are in progress.

Like wise, out total 146 projects around 50 percent are completed.