India’s Covid-19 caseload crossed the 6-million mark on Sunday after recording 88,600 fresh infections in the last 24 hours. Around 49 lakh people have also recovered from the deadly virus, pushing the national recovery rate to 82.46 percent. Country’s death toll climbed to 94,503 with 1,124 people succumbing to the disease in a span of 24 hours. Meanwhile, former Union Minister and senior BJP leader Uma Bharti tested Covid positive after which she has quarantined herself. She has requested all those who came in contact with her to get themselves tested and follow protocols.
Worst-hit Maharashtra reported 18,056 new Covid-19 cases, taking its total case tally to 13,39,232. The state now has 2,73,228 active cases. With 380 deaths, the death toll has climbed to 35,571. As many as 13,565 patients were also discharged in the last 24 hours taking the cumulative recoveries to 10,30,015. The national capital reported 3,292 new Covid-19 cases, 3,739 recoveries and 42 deaths in the last 24 hours. The total cases in Delhi rose to 2,71,114, including 2,36,651 recoveries and 5235 deaths. Active cases now stand at 29,228.
Punjab reported 1458 new Covid-19 cases, 50 deaths and 2299 discharges in the last twenty-four hours. Total cases in the state increased to 1,10,106, including 88,312 recoveries and 3238 deaths. The active cases here now stand at 18,556. Haryana reported 16 more coronavirus-related fatalities in the last 24 hours, taking the death toll to 1,307, while 1,515 fresh cases pushed the total infections in the state to 1,23,782. The active cases in the state are currently at 16,485, while 1,05,990 have been discharged after recovery.
Madhya Pradesh recorded 2,310 new coronavirus cases, pushing its caseload to 1,22,209, while 26 deaths took the death count to 2,207. Meanwhile, 2,081 patients were discharged in the last 24 hours taking the overall recovery count to 97,571.
India›s most populous state Uttar Pradesh reported 4,403 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, taking the number of active cases in the state to 55,603. Around 5,656 people got discharged from different healthcare centres. The current recovery rate in the state is 84.19 percent. Total 3,25,888 patients have recovered from the viral infection so far.
Gujarat reported 1,411 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the total count of infections to 1,33,219. With 10 more persons succumbing to the infection, the cumulative death toll went up to 3,419. A total of 1,231 patients were discharged, taking the total count of recoveries in the state to 1,13,140. The state›s case recovery rate has increased to 84.93 percent. Rajasthan reported 15 more deaths and 2,084 new coronavirus cases in the last twenty-four hours. The total number of fatalities reported in the last 24 hours were 1,441 and with that, the case tally rose to 1,28,859. The southern state of Kerala has been witnessing a massive spike in daily cases since the past few days. Kerala’s daily Covid-19 numbers continue to surge with 7,446 new cases being reported with 54,493 samples tested in the last 24 hours. The state currently has 56,709 active cases. Tamil Nadu reported 5,791 new Covid-19 cases, 5,706 recoveries and 80 deaths in the last 24 hours, taking total positive cases to 5,80,808, including 5,25,154 recoveries, 9,313 deaths and 46,341 active cases.
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