Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has rejected the one-week ultimatum of the Kisan Unions for holding a special Assembly session to negate the farm laws, saying he will do what he feels is necessary for the interest of the farmers. 

While he had already said he would be calling a special session of the Vidhan Sabha to bring in necessary amendment Bills, ultimatums are not the way to force the government into taking hasty steps, he said.\ His sole interest lies in protecting the state’s farmers and the farm sector at all costs, and not in appeasing the farmer organisations, the Chief Minister said, adding that he will take whatever decisions needed in the best interest of the farming community.

 He was reacting to reports that, at a meeting held on Wednesday, the Kisan Unions had issued an ultimatum to the state government for convening a special session of the Vidhan Sabha to amend laws for countering the Centre’s agricultural legislations. 

The unions’ threat to gherao his residence or the houses of the state ministers and Congress leaders would not force him into taking any decision which may eventually turn out to be detrimental to the interests of the farmers, said Captain Amarinder, making it clear that he would not compromise the farmers’ interests under pressure or threats from the unions.

 He pointed out that he had taken suggestions of all these unions a few days back on the way forward on the farm laws, and would ensure that nothing is allowed to obstruct his government’s efforts to save the livelihood of the farmers and secure the future of their children.