Russia is in here for a long war in Ukraine. It has been more than 10 months since Russia initiated its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The Ukrainian military revealed Moscow is preparing for a long drill. The Commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces said in an interview, Russia could strike missiles in the early months of 2023.

The sources claim that the European Union has authorized a fresh set of sanctions aimed at putting more pressure on Russia for its involvement in the war in Ukraine. Additionally, Russia forewarned the United States that if they gave Ukraine air defense systems, they might become targets in Ukraine.

The head of Ukraine’s armed forces has issued a warning that the Russians are getting ready to gather an additional 2,00,000 new soldiers to launch another attack on Kyiv. General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi continued, “We’ve done all the calculations, how many tanks, how much artillery we need, and so on. To “keep this frontline” and “not lose any more ground,” he said, is the current challenge.