A Supreme Court lawyer on Sunday reported Udhayanidhi Stalin, the government of Tamil Nadu’s minister of sports and the son of the chief minister of Tamil Nadu, to the Delhi Police for making a contentious statement on “Santana Dharma” on Saturday. In a speech, Udhayanidhi Maran allegedly made statements that were provocative, inflammatory, derogatory, and inciting against Sanatan Dharam, according to the complainant Vineet Jindal, a practicing attorney.

Being a Hindu and Sanatan dharma follower, my religious sentiments are hurt by statements made by Udhayanidhi Stalin called for eradicating Sanatan dharma and further comparing Sanatan with Mosquitoes, dengue, corona, and malaria, stated Complainant Lawyer Vineet Jindal.

Udhayanidhi Maran’s words, according to the complainant, demonstrate his hatred for Sanatan Dharma. He is an MLA and Minister in the Karnataka Government, and he has taken an oath to serve in accordance with the country’s constitution and to respect all regions. Despite this, he purposefully made a provocative and defamatory statement about the Sanatan Dharma with the aim of fostering animosity between groups based on religion. By using phrases like “eradication of Santana dharma,” “these things which we cannot oppose, we have to eradicate them,” and comparisons to mosquitoes, dengue, corona, and malaria. This is also how Sanatanam is. Eradication must be our first priority, and failing to do so demonstrates his desire to call for and promote the genocide of Hindus.