Tragedy struck during a Jallikattu event in Tamil Nadu’s Sivaganga district today as two spectators, including a minor, were fatally gored by bulls. The victims were among a crowd of onlookers witnessing the traditional bull-taming sport when the bulls charged into the spectators, resulting in fatal injuries.
Jallikattu, a contentious sport conducted during the Pongal festival, has been a source of ongoing debates and legal battles. Despite calls from animal rights organizations to ban the sport, citing risks to both participants and bulls, Jallikattu continues to be a significant cultural event in Tamil Nadu, drawing support from its enthusiasts.
The sport faced a ban in 2006 through a Madras High Court order and a subsequent Supreme Court ruling in 2014, citing concerns about animal cruelty. However, the Tamil Nadu government temporarily lifted the ban in 2017 and amended laws related to Jallikattu, leading to further legal challenges from animal rights groups.
In its defense of Jallikattu, the Tamil Nadu government emphasized the cultural, historic, and religious significance of the event. Last year, the Supreme Court upheld the state government’s law permitting Jallikattu events. The court recognized the cultural heritage aspect and mentioned that the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 2017, introduced measures to minimize cruelty, including proper feeding and watering of bulls and prohibiting the use of sharp objects or chemicals on them.
During Jallikattu events, a ferocious bull is released into a crowd, and participants attempt to grab its hump, holding on in an effort to bring the animal to a stop. The fatalities during today’s event underscore the ongoing challenges and controversies associated with the traditional bull-taming festival.
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