According to the police, a tragic incident occurred on Wednesday morning near Chandi Chowki Haridwar, resulting in two fatalities and four individuals sustaining serious injuries. The bus, operated by Uttarakhand Roadways and traveling from Rupahiya to Haridwar, veered off the road on Najibabad Road near Haridwar’s Chandi Chowk, crashing approximately 20 meters below the main road.
The casualties included the bus conductor and a 10-month-old girl. Police authorities informed that there were a total of 41 passengers on board at the time of the accident. Promptly responding to the situation, Uttarakhand Police, along with personnel from SDRF and Fire Service, swiftly arrived at the scene and rescued the injured individuals. The injured have been transported to a nearby hospital where they are currently receiving medical treatment, as confirmed by officials.
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