Officials announced on Wednesday that a man has been detained in connection with the alleged murder of a 25-year-old man in the Jafrabad neighborhood of New Delhi two days ago. The arrested suspect has been identified by the police as Manzoor (45), a citizen of Chauhan Banger, Jafrabad. They added that efforts are being made to find the third fugitive accused while also stating that his minor son had also been apprehended in connection with the case.

Earlier, police informed that the preliminary enquiry revealed that the deceased was friendly with a girl for the past 2 years and the girl’s family was opposed to their relationship.
“Manzoor and his family were opposed to the relationship. The father of the girl had spoken with the deceased a week ago and warned him to not pursue his daughter,” said, Joy Tirkey, DCP (northeast).
According to the police, the deceased had been identified as Salman, a resident of Brahmpuri, Jafrabad, New Delhi.